Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Gonzo of Wyo has returned after several months of silence, unnecessary it was. In that time frame I have journeyed far and wide and met new and interesting people, Done interesting things And maybe learned a few things in the process. It has been several months since I wrote anything.not because of a lack of anything interesting, no more do to not wanting to take the time to write. To begin I walked out of the Local Shari's restaurant and have not been back since, well once at two in the morning, but i don't count that. After this i began really examining what it is I really like to do which resulted in carpentry projects which than resulted in me being hired part time but really full time at the local steakhouse. Cavalry Man Steakhouse is, I have discovered, one of those places that has mysteriously kept afloat over the years. The new owners are a corporation that have several businesses, A saw mill, Natural gas and the Cavalry Man. Now food wise the restaurant is great, the menu is simple, the wine list is tasteful, the desserts just. The building itself is another matter entirely. Built sometime in the years preceding the civil war the original building has been added onto over the years, sadly the people who did the adding did just that. I view it as job security. I find it amazing though dealing with people, the personality conflicts, differences of opinion and the general miscommunication. All quite fun really. Having done therapy and assorted groups of a therapeutic nature, I have become very keen on silent communication. Body language says allot and the more aware one is of their own body the better one can convey a message. An example being two men showed up at Cavalryman both not only dressed for success they also carried themselves to project an image of success. I was dressed in shorts, T-shirt, Bandanna, sneakers, tool belt. There are certain elements of communication that are universal regardless of social status, cultural background or gender. When faced with a situation in which one maybe ignored or thought to be ignorant perhaps even stupid, one who is versed in speak will adeptly draw out more information than the person who is making the assumption cares to give. By doing this the assuming party is also put off guard. .....ANd theres the squirrel